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Bingo Card

A Bingo card consists of 5 columns of 5 numbers which are labelled with the letters B, I, N, G and O. 
In particular, the numbers that can appear under the B, range from 1 to 15,
the numbers that can appear under the I, range from 16 to 30, 
the numbers that can appear under the N, range from 31 to 45, and so on.

Write a function that creates a random Bingo card and stores it in a dictionary. The keys will be the letters B, I, N, G and O. The values will be the lists of five numbers.

Write a second function that displays the Bingo card with the columns labelled appropriately.

Both both functions in the main function.


Bingo Card Bingo Card Reviewed by Leaf Code on August 07, 2020 Rating: 5

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